Members of the RMPI faculty, adjunct faculty and consultants have been studying the efficacy of Polysectional and Dual Axis intrinsic posting techniques for problems of the tibialis posterior tendon. A compilation of clinical data is being presented in an abstract to be submitted to peer-reviewed orthopaedic and podiatric journals. Patents have been awarded to three of the RMPI faculty members, adjunct faculty and consultants for innovative surgical and non-surgical products to improve patient outcomes, slow down or retard degenerative disorders and injuries of the lower extremities.
In research, the RMPI has collaborated with the Indiana University School of Medicine Biomechanics Laboratory, the Human Performance Laboratory of Ball State University and Georgia Tech Clinical Biomechanics Lab.
We are hopeful that exposure to the variety of activities of the RMPI will encourage motivated students to become involved in teaching and clinical research activities in their own practices and facilities.